DFC I Can Fest, Rome 2019

  • Client: Design for Change (DFC)
  • Event: I CAN Children’s Global Summit (ICCGS)
  • Location: Rome, Italy 
  • Date: November 2019 
  • Video Production Partner: talkingcloud


Design for Change (DFC) is the world’s largest movement led by children, aimed at empowering young minds to believe in their ability to drive change. In November 2019, DFC celebrated the inaugural I CAN Children’s Global Summit (ICCGS) in Rome, Italy. This historic event gathered over 2,500 children from more than 40 countries, creating a platform for sharing stories, celebrating achievements, and inspiring further action.

talkingcloud was privileged to be the official video production partner for ICCGS 2019. This four-day event, spanning 15 different locations across Rome, presented an exhilarating challenge for our team, demanding meticulous planning, coordination, and execution.

Event Coverage Breakdown

Day 1: Opening Ceremony at Palazzo dei Congressi

The summit commenced with a grand opening ceremony at the iconic Palazzo dei Congressi, attended by 2,500 young change-makers. Our team set up a comprehensive filming arrangement, including three cameras and a drone, to capture the diverse and vibrant scenes of participants arriving with flags, musical instruments, and traditional costumes. The excitement and anticipation were palpable as children from varied cultural and religious backgrounds converged for this landmark event.

Key highlights of our coverage included:
– The parade of participants entering the venue.
– Cultural performances and theme songs.
– Key presentations and one-on-one interactions.
– The 24×16 feet LED screen showcasing various presentations.
– High-quality audio capture via wireless microphones directly connected to our cameras.

Day 2 and 3: Be The Change (BTC) Events at 13 Schools

The second and third days of the summit focused on the “Be The Change” (BTC) events held at 13 different schools across Rome. Each school hosted presentations where children shared their stories of change. With only three teams available to cover these dispersed locations, we faced significant logistical challenges. Our teams operated efficiently to cover all 13 schools within the tight 9 AM to 1 PM timeframe.

Key aspects of our approach included:
– Efficient team coordination and micro-management to cover all locations.
– Capturing presentations, interactions, and soundbites from each school.
– Managing and organizing extensive data to ensure no footage was missed.

Day 4: Culmination at Vatican City

The final day of the summit was marked by a special private audience with Pope Francis at the Aula Paula VI Hall in Vatican City. Our challenge here was to capture the essence of this significant moment, despite the restriction of no cameras inside the hall. Our team adapted by using mobile devices to capture footage, ensuring we documented the event from various angles and perspectives.

Key achievements included:
– Seamless adaptation to filming restrictions with mobile units.
– Capturing the atmosphere and grandeur of the event.
– Ensuring comprehensive coverage despite logistical constraints.

Pre-Event and Post-Event Deliverables

To enhance the summit experience, talkingcloud produced a series of pre-event and post-event videos:

Pre-Event Videos:

– 16 videos including DFC introductions, theme songs, well-wishes, and celebrity introductions.
– A motion graphic template for participating countries to present their stories uniformly.

Post-Event Videos

– ICCGS Opening Ceremony: Duration 3:01
– Glimpses of ICCGS BTC Day 2 & 3: Duration 3:29
– ICCGS Closing Ceremony: Duration 3:43
– ICCGS Superpower: Duration 1:25
– DFC Flash Mob: Duration 1:47
– Combined Event Glimpses: Duration 4:40

Challenges and Solutions

1. Team Management and Travel:

– Only one team member could travel from India to Italy.
– Solution: We hired three local teams of two members each, familiar with the area and basic English, ensuring effective communication and efficient coverage.

2. Event Spread Across Multiple Locations:

– Coverage required across 15 locations within four days.
– Solution: Detailed pre-planning and on-ground coordination enabled seamless movement and comprehensive coverage.

3. Language Barrier:

– English was not widely spoken in Italy.
– Solution: Hiring local teams who could understand basic English helped mitigate communication issues.

4. Data Management:

– Handling and organizing extensive footage from multiple locations.
– Solution: Systematic data management and backup procedures ensured no footage was lost or overlooked.


Despite the myriad challenges, talkingcloud successfully delivered high-quality video content that captured the spirit and essence of the ICCGS 2019. The client, DFC Global, was extremely satisfied with our work, acknowledging our ability to adapt and deliver under demanding circumstances. This success led to our rehiring for the ICCGS 2023 event held in Ahmedabad, India.

talkingcloud’s experience at ICCGS 2019 stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence, adaptability, and the ability to deliver compelling visual narratives that resonate with global audiences.

about client

Children from over 40 countries around the world poured into Rome at the end of November 2019 to celebrate the ‘I CAN Children’s Global Summit’!

More than 2,500 of these young superheroes, aged 7 to 17 years old, were the protagonists of this inspiring four-day event filled with celebration, creativity, and sharing, which culminated in a special private audience with Pope Francis inside Vatican City’s Aula Paula VI Hall.


This summit was the largest all-faith, international gathering of children coming from over 40 countries filled with the I CAN MINDSET who design REAL solutions and create a REAL positive impact on society.



This was a 4-day event happening at 13 different locations in Rome at the same time. We had to manage to capture the event at all locations without missing the important moments. This means, managing all the resources available to us in terms of equipment and crew members. We had hired some local camera persons who also helped us as travel guides. Traveling using the local transportation was a challenge due to communication barriers since the locals didn’t speak english.


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